Direct from Casale Monacelli to your kitchen, here are some recipes to try, using
A Beddu Cori Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Mixed Vegetable Appetizer

Ingredients for 4 people:

200g of olives, in brine
100g fennel
2 cloves of garlic
2 cloves of garlic
A few mint leaves
Chili pepper to taste


Drain the olives by putting them in a colander. Clean the fennel and remove the tender parts, washing them and cutting them into pieces. Mix the fennel with the olives, garlic, mint and chili pepper, adding plenty of extra virgin olive oil.

Tomato Salad

Ingredients for 4 people:

500g tomatoes
1 red onion
1 sprig of fresh basil
Extra virgin olive oil for dressing
Salt to taste

Orange salad

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 medium-sized oranges
1 red onion
Black olives, in brine
Extra virgin olive oil for dressing
Chili pepper to taste
Salt to taste

Pasta with chickpeas

Ingredients for 4 people:

150g dried chickpeas
200g short pasta, like Sardinian gnocchi
1 onion
1 tomato
1 carrot
1 clove of garlic
A few sprigs of rosemary
Extra virgin olive oil for dressing
Salt to taste


Soak the dried chickpeas in water with one tablespoon of baking soda for about 12 hours, then rinse well and place in a pot with 2 liters of water. Add the tomato, onion, basil and salt. Cook for about 2 hours over low heat, until they are soft. Once cooked, set aside. In a saucepan, brown the garlic, oil and rosemary, then remove the garlic and add more than half of the chickpeas prepared with their cooking water. Blend the remaining chickpeas and add them to the soup. Bring to a boil, add the pasta and cook for the necessary time. When cooked, serve with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a few sprigs of freshly picked rosemary.

Pasta with sardines

Ingredients for 4 people:

400g fresh fennel
300g long pasta, like bucatini
400g fresh sardines
30g raisins
30g pine nuts
4 fillets of salted anchovies
Half an onion
1 sachet of saffron
100g extra virgin olive oil


Clean the fennel, removing the tender parts. Wash and boil the fennel in salted boiling water for about 10 minutes. Drain and set the cooking water aside. Clean the sardines by removing the head, bones and tail. Soak the raisins in water, chop the onion and fry it in a pan with the oil, anchovy fillets, pine nuts, and raisins. Cook for a few minutes. Add the saffron, dissolved in a little water, the sardines, the fennel and cook for another 5 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the pasta al dente in the cooking water of the fennel, drain and pour into the pan with the rest of the ready-made ingredients. Stir for a few minutes. In a separate pan, toast the breadcrumbs with a tablespoon of oil. Garnish the pasta with sardines and a sprinkling of grated bread.

Squid and prawns on a bed of creamed potatoes

Ingredients for 4 people:

4 squid
4 king prawns
500g potatoes
One clove of garlic
Extra virgin olive oil
Parsley to taste
Salt to taste


Clean the squid by removing the skin. Rinse and let drain together with the prawns. In a saucepan, place the clove of garlic with some lightly heated oil. Add the potatoes and mix for about a minute. Add a glass of water and cook over low heat, being careful that the mixture does not dry out too much. At the end of cooking, use an immersion blender to reduce the mixture to a cream. Cook the squid and prawns for about 5 minutes on a previously heated pan. Carefully serve, placing a few tablespoons of potato cream in the center, arrange a squid and a prawn on top, then finish with a sprinkling of parsley and a generous sprinkle of extra virgin olive oil.